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Scars & Pleasure

Somatic sexual learning support

How nice that you ended up here!!!

What could such a somatic sexual_learning_accompaniment look like?

My offer is aimed at ALL bodies, genders, sexes, at individuals and their intimate or relationship people.

Here you can find possible topics that people have already contacted me with or for which I have created special offers (also for group workshops):

Good to know

For whom & why?

  • Who mainly comes to me?

    My offer is aimed at ALL adult people and their bodies, gender and genital configurations.

    My aim is to give access to pleasure to those people who are most affected by the intersectional mechanisms of inequality in society:

    • FLINTA* 
    • TIN* 
    • BIPoC*
    • People with care responsibilities*, especially single parents
    • People who become disabled by society, who identify as neurospicy or have PTSD impairments
    • People who do not have a German passport or secure residence status

  • Why and with which topics?

    Most people come to me because they

    • feel a sense of suffering in relation to sexuality-related issues and body parts and want to change something
    • are curious to refine, expand or re-appropriate their sexuality, pleasure and somatic vocabulary

    Possible topics could be 

    • Reappropriation and empowerment of one's own sexuality after patriarchal experiences of violence & disconnection
    • Masturbation coaching
    • Re-sensitization of scarred tissue (e.g. circumcision, breast surgery or birth-related scars)
    • Dealing with shameful body areas and odors, STIs or sexual preferences,
    • Exercises for vaginismus or to increase pleasure
    • Pleasure mapping or 'can we take a look at my genitals in the mirror together? 

    You can find even more examples here.

  • What does FLINTA* and BIPoC mean?

    • FLINTA* means women*, lesbian, inter, nonbinary, trans* and agender people
    • BIPoC is the abbreviation of Black, Indigenous, People of Color and means in German Black, Indigenous and the term People of Color is not translated. These terms are political self-designations. This means that they emerged from a resistance and to this day stand for the struggles against the oppression of BiPoC and people who are affected by racial attributions/discrimination (source: Migrationsrat Berlin ev) 
    • If you would like to know more about this or similar definitions, you can find a great online glossary in the Queer Lexicon or valuable resources on the Radical Bodywork Network site.
  • What does care responsibility mean?

    Care responsibility means doing care work for kids or people in need of care. It is about naming the often unpaid, invisible care work.

  • Can I also book group workshops?

    As a co-founder of the Queer Body Healing Space and the queer feminist theater collective Fruit of Knowledge, I believe in the power of collective transformation processes.    

  • Can two or three of me come?

    Great even :)

    Whether with 

    • your partner(s), 
    • intimate - or other reference persons 
    • whether mono- or polyamorous, 
    • friends with benefits, 
    • newly separated 
    • or newly in love, engaged, married, 
    • in crisis, 
    • no status or label, 
    • as co-parents 
    • or best friends
    • whoever you are currently sharing (platonic) intimacy with or the confidence to meet each other... 

    All are welcome <3

    *Surcharge for each additional person: +50Euro/per person/per 60min in each category

duration & costs

  • How long takes a session?

      Live session: min. 2 - max. 4 hours (video) telephone session: 1-1.5 hours
  • Free initial consultation

    • 30 min
    • free of charge
    • by (video) phone
    • to get to know each other and consider together whether and if so, how I can accompany you
    • optionally in person for 60-75 minutes for €45-60 (so you can get a feel for my practice)
    • You can use the contact form to tell me directly about your concerns and suggest an appointment.

  • 3 different price categories & payment options

    It is important to me to make my offer accessible to those people who are oppressed by the system of inequality.

    That is why there are 3 price categories according to self-assessment. In this way, those who earn more can make it possible for those who have less income (according to the principle of redistribution).

    • Category I: approx. less than 900 euros net income/month
    • Category II: between 900 - 2000 euros/ month
    • Category III: from 2000 euros/ month

    This calculator can be helpful for assessment, as various factors such as care responsibility are relevant for the calculation.

    Individual session per 60 min

    • I 60 €
    • II 80 €
    • III 100 €

    Payment options

    • by prepayment (IBAN or PayPal)
    • cash on site
    • installment payment if necessary
    • Unfortunately card payment is not possible

    *Surcharge for each additional person: +50 Euro/per person/per 60 min in each category

  • Session-Package

     Accompanying session per 60 min  

    Package of 3

    I 170 €

    II 230 €

    III 290 €

    Package of 5

    I 280 €

    II 380 €

    III 480 €

    *Package prices are only possible with a single payment

    *Surcharge for each additional person: +50Euro/per person/per 60min in each category

  • What do I do if I cannot keep the appointment or I&#39;m late?

    Even if that sounds easier than I said, but: Take a deep breath and tell yourself with compassion that chaos is the actual basic state of life anyway :)

  • Can I bill my health insurance company for the sessions?

    Unfortunately, no. Sexological Bodywork is not yet recognized as a health insurance benefit. But in the event of financial bottlenecks, we will certainly find a solution (see my 3 different price categories).

before the session

  • What does somatic sexual learning support mean?
      Somatic: body-related and touchingSexual: sexuality-relatedLearning: to learnAccompaniment: to be seen and accompanied in a trusting setting - with everything that is there?
  • Is somatic sex learning support something like tantra?

    In order to give you a more comprehensive picture of my work and so that you can decide based on transparent information, I would like to make it clear what Sexological Bodywork is NOT:

  • What is a learning intention?

    I understand intention to be focused attention rather than a specific goal to be achieved. An intention is understood as something in process that can be changed at any time.

  • What information about my (sexual) health and biography do I have to provide?

    If, after the initial consultation, you should decide to be accompanied by me, I will send you this questionnaire.

Code of Ethics & Hygiene

  • What are the ethical guidelines?

    As a member of the International Professional Association of Sexological Boyworkers, I work according to the ethical guidelines of the Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (ACSB)*.

  • Can I touch Len too?

    The touch is one-way, practitioner toward client and never the other way around.

  • Can we meet despite Corona?

    Despite Corona, we can meet - depending on the vaccination status, state guidelines (3G rule) and subjective feelings, either at my practice (since the ethical guidelines stipulate a strict hygiene protocol anyway) or for a distance Walk&Talk outside in one place Your choice (then of course without touch :)

  • What if I don't like or tolerate gloves?

    I wear gloves for any geni(t)al or anal touch - it serves to protect everyone involved.

during the session

  • Geni(t)al names

    Genital diversity is awesome!

  • dealing with nudity

    Many people associate the showing and touching of sexuality-related parts of the body with a visit to a gynecologist or urologist. With me there is no compulsion that you have to undress during the session, on the contrary!

  • Active receiving & consensus

    You actively guide the touch(es).

  • What if I don't even know how I want to be touched?

    Many people find it difficult to say specifically how they would like to be touched.

  • Mirror(s) & scales

    Looking at yourself in the mirror is sometimes quite difficult, emotionally as well as from what we are culturally used to, which parts of the body we look at in the mirror every day and which not... How about a safer space and one or more mirrors for it have?

after the session

  • Integration

    After the "hands-on" body work comes the actual body work - because your body works a lot when it processes everything that has been experienced, touched and felt.

  • What is embodied listening?

    Embodied listening is listening to your own body. What does he actually need? What does he want to tell me if I feel pain, pressure, etc.?

  • Commitment to yourself

    Un-learning old patterns that we want to let go and embodying new learning experiences takes time - in fact, it takes up to 3000 repetitions until enough muscle memory has been stored for one to even speak of embodiment.

  • What if something catches up with me afterwards?

    If something is on your mind, that's actually a very good sign - that something has been initiated - physically or mentally, because the emotional zipper opens - PLOPP - sometimes all by itself :)

  • Who can I contact if I have felt uncomfortable or discriminated against?

    Of course, I very much hope that there is no reason for this.

Inspirations & Resources

It is very important to me to be transparent with the knowledge I was allowed to acquire and not to sell magic healing. Here you will find suggestions...
...for reading & thinking


Self-care is damn hard. self-promotion too. So that you can get a better picture of me and if you want to know more about how I came to Sexological Bodywork << KLICK > >
About me

(Body) voices

Caring & Daring Space

My practice is in Berlin - Charlottenburg. It is on the 1st floor and is therefore unfortunately not barrier-free. We're happy to find solutions together, for example I own a car and I'm happy to come to your home with my massage table in my luggage.

By Caring & Daring Space I mean a space in which we can explore together what your needs and limits are, how you can perceive them, protect them (caring) and communicate courageously or try them out (daring).

For example, what are you noticing in your body right now as you scroll through these pages?

Does that feel like a safer space for you to show yourself? Hey, and if you feel a no, that's super super valuable, because then you listen to your limits. If it's a maybe - check if the question mark is still there in a week's time...

And if you feel an enthusiastic yes or a spark of curiosity, I look forward to reading from you!


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